Monday, April 14, 2008

The Change Prophecied

This morning, as I am waiting for my OJT interview at International Pharmaceutical Incorporated, Iam reading a book entitled Seventh-day Adventist Believe(An exposition of fundamental beliefs od the seventh-day adventist). I cannot deny to myself and to everybody that I am a seventh-day adventist member, but you cannot attack my credibility about what is written here.

I just want to share this knowledge I obtain when reading books like this, I am not contented reading only one book, I read several books to support my beliefs. I am confused why there are many christian denomination observes sunday as the day of worship, wherein the Bible clearly written that it is the seventh day(saturday) is the day of rest. And this what I found out why:

In the Bible, through the prophecy of Dan. 7, God reveal his foreknowledge of the change of the day of worship. Daniel's vision shows an attack on God's people and on his law, and this attacking power represented by alittle horn(or beast in revelation 13:1-10) it bring apostasy within the christian church. Arising from the 4th beast in Daniel 7, and becomes a major presenting power after the fall of Rome. This little horn attemps to change the times and laws(Dan 7:25) and this power is very successful in decieving the world.

The prophecy, fits only in one power within christianity, only one religious organization claimes they have prerogatives to modify divine laws. Note what, throughout history, Roman Catholic Authorities claimed: About 1400 A.D. Petrus de Ancharano asserted that "the pope can modify divine law, since his power is not of man, but of God, and He acts in the place of God upon the earth...."

The impacts of this claim, was arises during theReformation led by Marthin Luther which claimed the holy Bible and not the tradition of the church was his guide in life. Luther Slogan was SOLA SCRIPTURA-means "Bible and the Bible only", thats why Luther was attack by John Eck one of the defender of the Roman Catholic Church and challenge Luther to observe Sunday too. The council of Trent(1545-1563) Convened by pope to counter the protestantism, Gaspare de Fosso, Achibishop of Reggio brought up this issue again, and says that the authority of the church is illustrated clearly in the Bible, Thats why it is divine.
But the question now is, does the church still maintain this position? The 1977 edition of the "CONVERTS CATHECISM OF CATHOLIC DOCTRINE" contains this series of question and answers:

Q: Which is the Sabbath Day?

A: Saturday is the Sabbath day.

Q: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?

A: We observe Sunday instead of Saturday, because the Catholic Church transferred the solemnity from Saturday to Sunday.

Roman Catholic Scholar John A.O'Brien in his Best seller book "The Faith of Millions" wrote and came to this compelling Conclusions:"Since saturday, not sunday is specified in the bible, is'nt it curious that non-catholic who profess to take their religion directly from the Bible and not from the church, Observe sunday instead of saturday? Yes, of course it is incosistent." He also added that: " the custom of sunday observance rest upon the the authority of the catholic church and not upon an explicit text in the Bible. So that observance remains as a remainder of the mother church from which the non-catholic broke away.

Bretheren, may this fact or message came from God through me will inspire you to further search for the truth through the Bible.